Āyurvedic Blueprints | RealTime Individualised Taste Analysis | Single Malt Whisky

When purchasing a premium product like single malt whisky (SMW), we often assess its appeal based on its provenance, its reputation in economic and lifestyle circles, or the recommendations of experts. However, there's no guarantee that we will experience the same tasting attributes as described, because each of us processes tastes uniquely. This variation in taste perception is influenced by factors such as our ethnicity, upbringing, and socio-economic background, all of which shape our choices and perceptions.

WhiskyBaba tools help individuals to uncover and decrypt their individual taste processing and programming, offering an unbiased and experiential approach to empower users to make informed choices about their purchases and lifestyle, ultimately granting the freedom to choose and enjoy without bias.

WhiskyBaba.in, an applied research project by Dr. Sumit Kesarkar (PhD), explores the individual perception and processing of taste using the unique precision of single malt whisky as a medium. This project has developed real time tools grounded in Ayurvedic blueprints to help individuals and businesses make informed lifestyle, culinary, and economic choices.

This work builds on the Ayurvedic concept of Prakriti, which is essentially a map of an individual's unique genotype + phenotype, and their expressed phenotype, which defines how we make choices in life. Here, phenotype refers to the unique sensory qualities we are born with that shape our choices in life. This can be correlated to the fast-emerging field of personalised genomics.

The first-of-their-kind WhiskyBaba tools are explored by whisky enthusiasts, distilleries, independent bottlers, retailers, investors and professional tasters towards a uniquely personalized experience.

Key Features

Personalised taste analysis: Understand your unique tasting profile, leading to empowered purchasing and culinary decisions.

Whisky Database: Access a dataset of over 2000 whiskies analysed by their inherent taste profile, rather than taste perceptions. This includes dynamically generated records (probability index) to other whiskies within the database that express the same tasting profile.

Real-time Taste Analysis Tool: Generate real-time dynamic data analysis of a whisky on personalised taste experience.

Subscription model: Catalog your whisky preferences and experiences over time for a deeper analysis and insights towards your unique individualised access and perception of taste, and how it is influenced by emotions, menstruation phases (for women), and food and lifestyle choices.

Why Single Malt Whisky?

Single malt whisky, with its precise production and aging process, offers a unique medium to study and understand taste perception.

Ayurvedic principles such as Rasa (taste), Virya (potency – hot or cold), and Vipaka (post-digestive effect – neutral, acidic, alkaline) are applied to create a comprehensive analysis of individual taste profiles.

Rasa loosely translates to taste, coded into six types (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, spicy, astringent) but the Āyurveda Rasa blueprint is more than that. It relates to the registration of an effect throughout the body, which in modern medicine can be loosely correlated to neurohormonal expressions of oral and extra-oral taste receptors, which are found in various organs of the body.

For example, each cell has its own tongue or taste receptors which registers the rasa as a unique neuro-hormonal enzymatic release, effectively stimulating a particular therapeutic response.

These Rasa complexes are inherently distinct from whisky tasting notes, which are strictly defined to gustatory and olfactory exposition. However, tasting notes can serve as a complimentary medium to experience these rasa from our taste and smell pathways. The rasa blueprints inherently lie at the foundation of our individualized choices in the form of culinary, lifestyle and economic paradigms.

Purpose of the tools

The tools aim to create an awareness towards personalised choices. It is simple - if I am spending, I must be empowered to know what to buy for the greatest individualised experience. But while this appears simple, it is often overlooked.

By ensuring quality, customer satisfaction and the creation of tailored individualised products that not only add to the economy, but also maintain its premium flavour, these tools work both ways to maximize the experience of the consumer and the producer both in terms of quality and economics.

These tools also create awareness about alcohol consumption by making the user aware about how they process malts, and through tools like the Sfaim breath, refine the way we consume malts to give a higher quality experience at a considerably lower volume, which not only refines the user experience, but also imparts therapeutic awareness.


The Yogic Sfaim Breath

Breathing techniques not only give access to micro-channels of the body and to their neurotransmitters, but can voluntarily change the flow of entities to various organs and receptors by creating a negative or positive loop.

As part of the WhiskyBaba research, Dr. Kesarkar developed the Yogic Sfaim Breath, a modulation developed on Haṭha Yoga blueprints, initially tailored to access the astringent-sweet complex or the WB blueprint (described below) in immediacy to brain pathways.

In addition to its focus on the blueprint, the Sfaim breath gives a deep experiential awareness of the inherent taste profiles in a single malt whisky, registering them completely on all the gustatory and olfactory pathways. If done regularly, it becomes a natural reflex while drinking whisky.

The Sfaim Breath activates our taste pathways with minimal volume (5ml-10ml), and with practice, helps to sustain rasa access over a prolonged time. As less volume is needed, it puts less load on digestive pathways such as the liver and the pancreas.

The breath also acts as a potent adjuvant to the deeper registration of flavours and notes of a whisky, which in addition to helping a connoisseur towards the deeper appreciation of malt, also impacts the rasa pathway towards extra oral taste receptors, registering the effect directly on organs, as per the blueprints of Āyurveda. Watch Demo Video

WB Database

The WB database is indexed on a curated dataset of 2000 whiskies. This dataset has been used to train an under-development machine learning (ML) model to analyse whiskies on their Rasa, Virya, Vipaka profile, giving a visual representation of their taste profile. Click to access the WB Database

Real Time WBI Taste Analysis Tool

Using distiller’s notes and a series of real-time sense-experience based questions, this tool generates a real-time dynamic breakdown of the single malt’s inherent taste composition as experienced by an individual user in comparison to what the distiller’s note present as a taste profile.

The tool further creates a probability index, matching single malt whiskies from the WB database to highlight malts which may taste similar. This is a unique feature, as the WB database is indexed on many highly prized vintage malts, and many times the comparative results of its inherent taste profile may surprise us. This feature has vivid applications, as by knowing the Probability Index it can, for example, help us to buy a whisky that has the same taste profile as a vintage whisky that may be inaccessible or even no longer still existent.

This tool hence gives a first-hand experience of how we individually access and process the taste of of whisky in compariuson to the taste profile breakdown as calculated through the distillers profiling. This dynamic feature supports analysis of our own unique taste preferences independent of the notes provided or the expert profiling, helping us to make more informed and individualised choices. Click to access the RTWBI tool

WB Subscription Model

The paid model layers on the RT tool. Users can catalogue their malts over time to build a more precise outlook of how and why they like or dislike a malt.

This also considers the time of consumption, the method of consumption (with or without food), and emotional quotient. For women, it maps menstrual data, as women's taste is highly influenced by their cycle. You can write to me at whiskybaba.in@gmail.com to know more about details & pricing.

Applications of Tools

As these tools work on the inherent blueprints of taste, their use is not solely restricted to whisky, and can be applied in many other paradigms of wine etc. The questions of the publicly available tools are tailored to whisky, however, the same paradigms are being explored with user feedback and request across a variety of other applications, such as:

Whisky and Food Pairing

This tool aims to dynamically generate taste breakdowns by comparing malts and recipes. The tool is under development and soon to be released. Those interested can write to whiskybaba.in@gmail.com to know more about details

Individualised Whisky Profile Creations

These tools can be used by distilleries on a mass scale to train staff, or gather data to understand individualised taste and traits to support the production of whisky. This may also help create more personalised products in a world increasingly driven by demand for individualised products and experience.

Whisky Sound and Cymatics.

This is a highly personalised tool for people who have been applying the WB blueprint (see below). It builds on the training of the user on WB parameters of taste to identify malts with high WBI curated to each one's individual genotype. Generating personalised sound creation on binaural beat technology and cymatics, this tool generates geometric patterns color mapped to emotions or colorgenics from these sounds to create a deeper access to our sensory pathways. To know more, you can write to whiskybaba.in@gmail.com

The WhiskyBaba.in blueprint

It is prudent here to mention about the WB blueprint, which initially fuelled this research and the development of these applicable tools. The blueprint, in a nutshell, aims to access the astringent-sweet complex (rasa) in certain single malt whiskies, which have a potent biorhythmic influence on our physiology.

This blueprint, when accessed with refined parameters of diet, discipline, and the real time application of the yogic Sfaim breath protocol along with the fusion of precisely curated sounds (binaural beat technology) and cymatic visualization mapped to brainwaves and emotion maps or colorgenics give us a highly potent access towards deprogramming our limitations of sensory access, which lie at the root of our social and economic choices.

This blueprint and the work are solely focused on tapping into this astringent-sweet complex, carried through the precision medium of single malt whisky, and not about consuming whisky as a lifestyle drink. To know more about it, you can read about it in my book.


WB realtime tools do not store any personal data. Each record is deleted after generation with a timed access to avoid real time use corruptions. The subscription model stores data in an encrypted form, which means the data won’t make sense without the active program. To know more, you can write to whiskybaba.in@gmail.com


This applicative, experiential research is for those who enjoy drinking, and wish to build an awareness around it towards their independence. This is done by building awareness and focus towards the sacrament module. WhiskyBaba.in is strictly about the sacrament blueprint and uses single malt whisky as a tool towards the module. The sacrament module is a sensory state which is not dependent on alcohol, nor does it require it to sustain it. Whiskybaba.in in all its narrative either direct or suggestive adheres only to the sacrament module on the foundation of the Rasa algorithms of Āyurveda that elaborates on the benefits and hazards of the entity. Whiskybaba.in specifically and explicitly wishes to state that it does not promote alcohol as a health entity, or as an independent tool or means to achieve states of sensory expansion without complete knowledge or awareness of the sacrament module. Nor does it promote the drinking of alcohol as an indulgence or lifestyle. Furthermore WhiskyBaba.in does not inspire to convince any reader to take up alcohol to align with the sacrament module. Discretion is advised.



Single Malt Whisky: Bio-hack Your Imprint

Book Language: English. Ebook & Print
  • This book is a documentation of WhiskyBaba research, presenting insights into the applicative model of accessing the kaṣāya-madhura rasa complex (astringent-sweet) complex on the foundations of Siddhānta (collective algorithms or blueprints) of Āyurveda and Tantra.
  • This book aims to create an experiential window towards unlocking our unique DNA imprints (genotype and phenotype) by creating an independent pathway towards our limitlessness, as well as an adaptive dynamism towards the fast-changing social, moral, environmental and economical challenges surrounding us.
  • It aims to tap into the experiential modalities of the precision of single malt whisky through the entities it carries as congeners. This is elaborated through the organic Āyurveda algorithms of Rasa, Vīrya and Vipāka, Āyurveda Prakruti, Dhātu Sāra and the Tantra algorithms of sound projection utilising the catalyst properties of alcohol.
  • This experiential modality aims to deprogram our understanding of the world that is customarily filtered through linear image-creation and image-projection and to rewire these pathways towards a decoupled sensory experience. Acknowledging the limitations of language and referentiality, the work does not seek an academic perspective, and only attempts to stimulate the reader to imbibe entities towards bio-hacking their individual expansion, without any bias of culture, tradition, academia, or black and white conundrums. This methodology of approaching single malt whisky is called The Sacrament Modul.
  • The WhiskyBaba Database and Realtime Index Projection Tool is founded on these lines to present an experiential gateway to the Sacrament Module, which the current book expounds.
  • Tracing the history of single malt whisky and its ethno-medicinal uses,it also discusses the unique mathematical production methods of single malt scotch in reference to its relevance to those seeking to build awareness around its use in the sacrament module.
  • It references modern research studies as correlative data towards the simple explanations of Āyurvedic algorithms that offer a blueprint towards decoupling linear sensory states over a cumulative experiential process.
  • This book is considered as an initial referential insight for those seeking to experientially explore the sound container blueprints of Vedic and Tantric knowledge in an accessible way towards unlocking independence and limitlessness. In that vein, it also presents the unique Yogic Sfaim breathing technique as a tool for self-exploration.
  • This book in no way attempts to promote alcohol as an entity of therapeutic value, neither on a physical or a mental plane. It only focuses on the nuances of the precision of single malt whiskies towards the entities it carries as congeners through the medium of alcohol which serves purely as a catalyst. This lies at the base of the Sacrament Module, which is the foundation of this book. Readers' discretion advised.
Available in digital /ebook & paperback/print from Amazon.


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