Āyurvedic Algorithms | Sacrament Blueprint | Single Malt Whisky

WhiskyBaba.in is an applied research project by Dr. Sumit Kesarkar (PhD) (aka WhiskyBaba) built on the foundational AshZero algorithms that aim to deprogram our linear sensory projection pathways through the sound container blueprints of Veda, Yoga, Tantra and Āyurveda. WhiskyBaba aims to access the real time sacrament module pathway as per the blueprints of experiential Tantra by building voluntary sensory control through the Āyurvedic algorithms of rasa, vīrya, vipāka & prabhāva.

Commenced in 2013, this ongoing research is built on the longterm effort to exhibit the applicable simplicity and power of these timeless algorithms which have long been enveloped in cultural, esoteric and religious conundrums. When stripped of these paradigms, Vedic and Tantra Siddānta (collective algorithms) inform us of methods to bio-hack our system towards access to the complete neural expanse that registers as a continuous, cumulative experience of limitlessness and independence.

Our reality is defined by our limited capacity to absorb, assimilate/transform/transmute, and excrete/project our sensory stimulus. In brief, we create and project our world as defined by the validations and justifications of the images we create as good and bad, black and white. These restrictive image creations are programmed into us right from birth as we become aware of our projected world through parenting, cultures, environment, education and economics, and define our social, moral, and economic choices. This linear programming which stimulates repetitive sensory complexes, or in simple words, programmed linear neuro-hormonal releases, denies us access to the complete expanse of our creativity and perception aesthetics. For example, we believe that the food we eat at home from birth is healthy for us, preventing us from accessing the unique composition of our metabolism by exploring food beyond our conundrums or boundaries of health and unhealth.

This linear programming cannot be decoupled by logic, but only through non-linear relative learning, which stimulates access to these pathways in an experiential way. Simply put, this is a process through which we evolve or expand without any awareness or target to do so. Though these states may seem similar to mind control, they are inherently distinct. These states are neither illusory nor virtual target validations. They are realistic and experiential and are achieved through the process of complete indulgence in lifestyle, on the foundations of the non-targeted cumulative preparation of our sensory neural pathways, which changes the very fragment of our perception and aesthetics.

Though there are different cryptic, abstract methods to attain such non-linear states, which are difficult, and dependent on requiring supervision and training, certain sacrament modules and their algorithms prepare our system to transmute towards these states in an easier, independent manner, provided we approach the sacrament module with integrity and honesty.

Why single malt Scotch? What is a sacrament?

Though any entity can be meticulously adapted to the sacrament module, certain entities have been abstractly put forth in a cryptic manner as optimum due to their fast-acting (Āśukāri), micro-penetrating (Sukśma) and catalytic (yogavāhi) attributes. Select entities have been experientially explored and their optimum usage passed on without corruption through sound containers, (what is known as oral traditions in India), through mathematical precision in various schools of Tantra.

Many of these are either rare psychedelics, or inorganic toxic entities (like mercury) which need to be precisely homogenised towards access. There are also certain entities in the neural form of sound projections (audio visual containers) that need precise breath modulations and astute lifestyle to imbibe, requiring complete mental and physical decoupling. Needless to say, these entities, though potent, require supervision and in-situ training. However, amidst these also lies the entity of alcohol, more accessible within a modern lifestyle, and more independent. Yet, it still requires the same foundational precision and awareness of lifestyle and diet to imbibe as a sacrament. Due to its long standing influx as a part of human evolution and accessibility, its modulation with time becomes highly independent provided it is approached with honesty and integrity.

One needs to be aware that in the sacrament module, the entity is not the means, but just a tool of registration. The tool in itself is not potent standalone, and most times is harmful to the unprepared, and certainly addictive if unaware. Hence, to access the sacrament pathway, the tool as alcohol needs to be identified to precision, and then used with complete preparation of our physical and mental system through diet and lifestyle.

Āyurveda algorithms do not classify any entity as good or bad; rather, each is classified and coded based on their unique, inherent traits on the foundation of certain Āyurveda algorithms; rasa, vīrya, vipāka, and prabhāva being one of them. In the same light, Ćaraka Samhita, an authoritative compendium of Āyurveda sound containers, has expounded on 84 types of alcohol or 84 modules in which all possible alcohol of past, present, and future exists. These 32 types have been further classified into two forms - aged and unaged. Of this, aged alcohol is elaborated on as being more homogenous.

Alcohol’s inherent properties of being quick-spreading, quick-acting, and a catalyst have been used in medicine to create tinctures and wines. In effect, the alcohol carries the rasa profiles of the entities throughout the system. Rasa may translate as taste, but the Āyurveda Rasa algorithm is more than that. It relates to the registration of the effect throughout the body, which in modern medicine can be loosely correlated to oral and extra oral taste receptors, which are found in various organs of the body. For example, each cell has its own tongue or taste receptors which registers the rasa, as a unique neuro-hormonal enzymatic release, effectively stimulating a particular response or function.

Each Rasa has its own unique effect locally and systemically. Of all rasa, the kaṣāya rasa, which we may loosely correlate to astringency with its inherent property (guna) of kśālana (cleansing), drains the hyper-stimulated linear responses in the form of neurohormonal residue, and gives fresh access to new complexes as we train our system through selective indulgence. The madhura vipāka, or neutral post digestive effect, creates a non-inflammatory elastic environment to access new patterns and perspectives without corruption. In brief, over time these cumulative stimuli, backed by a seamless bio-pathway created on the foundation of diet and lifestyle, changes the very fragment of our sensory responses towards stimuli.

Though the kaṣāya-madhura complex may be found in many entities, it is purely expressed and innately experienced through certain single malt Scotch whiskies, most likely due to the strict mathematical nature of their production, aging, environment and cask exposition. One must note that these Rasa complexes are inherently distinct from whisky tasting notes, which have a major gustatory and olfactory exposition. However, tasting notes can serve as a complimentary medium to imbibe the abstract of Rasa blueprints.

Though the technical narrative tries to present the abstract of these sacramental states in a logical and relative form, they are difficult to describe and at best experienced, but without a target to experience anything… as these are individualistic and each one accesses states unique to their own deprogramming of linearity, eventually enabling them to communicate with themselves - a foundation of the AshZero platform.

The WhiskyBaba.in blueprint

In the sacrament blueprint, the kaṣāya-madhura or astringent complex is accessed through a methodical preparation of oneself through diet, discipline and the real time application of the yogic Sfaim breath protocol.

Through this, if done with honesty, one can systematically tap into total awareness and control of expansive states through long-term training and consistent iterative reproduction, refining towards complete voluntary control, with or without the entity which may facilitate it; provided the right sacrament is identified. In brief, the non-linear states achieved through consistent application of the sacrament protocol do not require continuous use of the tool in the form of whisky to maintain those states. This is an experiential paradigm which may not be justified by logic.

When taken as a sacrament, within a blueprint, the profiles which enable access to a state of decoupled sensory states, or sensory access free of the linear programming of our validations and constraints, allow us to effortlessly express and access our creative expanse. This expression is in complete opposition to states regularly experienced when drinking alcohol or whisky. States of pleasure, sensory and emotional freedom that may or may not be relatively experienced whilst drinking alcohol, which may or may not be accessed depending on a variety of factors including the social moral environment, are involuntary. Furthermore, these involuntary states or access may compel a pursuit of them as targets, often leading to dependency.

The Yogic Sfaim Breath

Breathing techniques do not only give access to micro-channels of the body and to their neurotransmitters, but can voluntarily change the flow of entities to various organs and receptors by creating a negative or positive loop.

As part of the WhiskyBaba research, Dr. Kesarkar developed the Yogic Sfaim Breath, a modulation developed on Haṭha Yoga and Tantric algorithms, uniquely tailored to project the astringent complex in immediacy to brain pathways.

Though the sacrament blueprint registration is cumulative, non-linear, and non-targeted, the Sfaim breath gives an experiential awareness to these states if performed with openness towards the module, and then each time as a natural reflex while drinking whisky. In addition, Sfaim Breath activates the sacrament properties of whisky with minimal volume (5ml-10ml) and with practice, helps to sustain access over a prolonged time. As less volume is needed, it puts less load on digestive pathways such as the liver and the pancreas, and eases one into the sacrament blueprint.

The breath also acts as a potent adjuvant to register deeper flavours and notes of a whisky, which in addition to helping a connoisseur towards the deeper appreciation of malt, also impacts the Rasa pathway towards extra oral taste receptors, registering the effect directly on organs as per the algorithms of Āyurveda.


This applicative, experiential research is for those who enjoy drinking, and wish to build an awareness around it towards their independence. This is done by building awareness and focus towards the sacrament module. WhiskyBaba.in is strictly about the sacrament blueprint and uses single malt whisky as a tool towards the module. The sacrament module is a sensory state which is not dependent on alcohol, nor does it require it to sustain it. Whiskybaba.in in all its narrative either direct or suggestive adheres only to the sacrament module on the foundation of the Rasa algorithms of Āyurveda that elaborates on the benefits and hazards of the entity. Whiskybaba.in specifically and explicitly wishes to state that it does not promote alcohol as a health entity, or as an independent tool or means to achieve states of sensory expansion without complete knowledge or awareness of the sacrament module. Nor does it promote the drinking of alcohol as an indulgence or lifestyle. Furthermore WhiskyBaba.in does not inspire to convince any reader to take up alcohol to align with the sacrament module. Discretion is advised.



Single Malt Whisky: Bio-hack Your Imprint

Book Language: English. Ebook & Print
  • This book is a documentation of WhiskyBaba research, presenting insights into the applicative model of accessing the kaṣāya-madhura rasa complex (astringent-sweet) complex on the foundations of Siddhānta (collective algorithms or blueprints) of Āyurveda and Tantra.
  • This book aims to create an experiential window towards unlocking our unique DNA imprints (genotype and phenotype) by creating an independent pathway towards our limitlessness, as well as an adaptive dynamism towards the fast-changing social, moral, environmental and economical challenges surrounding us.
  • It aims to tap into the experiential modalities of the precision of single malt whisky through the entities it carries as congeners. This is elaborated through the organic Āyurveda algorithms of Rasa, Vīrya and Vipāka, Āyurveda Prakruti, Dhātu Sāra and the Tantra algorithms of sound projection utilising the catalyst properties of alcohol.
  • This experiential modality aims to deprogram our understanding of the world that is customarily filtered through linear image-creation and image-projection and to rewire these pathways towards a decoupled sensory experience. Acknowledging the limitations of language and referentiality, the work does not seek an academic perspective, and only attempts to stimulate the reader to imbibe entities towards bio-hacking their individual expansion, without any bias of culture, tradition, academia, or black and white conundrums. This methodology of approaching single malt whisky is called The Sacrament Modul.
  • The WhiskyBaba Database and Realtime Index Projection Tool is founded on these lines to present an experiential gateway to the Sacrament Module, which the current book expounds.
  • Tracing the history of single malt whisky and its ethno-medicinal uses,it also discusses the unique mathematical production methods of single malt scotch in reference to its relevance to those seeking to build awareness around its use in the sacrament module.
  • It references modern research studies as correlative data towards the simple explanations of Āyurvedic algorithms that offer a blueprint towards decoupling linear sensory states over a cumulative experiential process.
  • This book is considered as an initial referential insight for those seeking to experientially explore the sound container blueprints of Vedic and Tantric knowledge in an accessible way towards unlocking independence and limitlessness. In that vein, it also presents the unique Yogic Sfaim breathing technique as a tool for self-exploration.
  • This book in no way attempts to promote alcohol as an entity of therapeutic value, neither on a physical or a mental plane. It only focuses on the nuances of the precision of single malt whiskies towards the entities it carries as congeners through the medium of alcohol which serves purely as a catalyst. This lies at the base of the Sacrament Module, which is the foundation of this book. Readers' discretion advised.
Available in digital /ebook & paperback/print from Amazon.


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