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Whiksy Vs Entity (Food, Coffe, Cigar) Rasa - Taste Analysis Tool (BETA)

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Beta version

This Tool (RTWBIPT) outputs

  • Taste Parameter Analyisis uing Distillers notes of a Whisky
  • Taste Parameter Analyisis uisng Entity (food, coffee, cigar, wine) notes
  • Rasa Experience or physiologica Projection of Oral & Extra Oral Taste Receptor Activation probability using Ayurveda algorithms of Rasa Virya Vipaka by processing polarities from your answers (optional)
  • Please note this tool is limited in functionality due to diversity of entities that ca be mapped and sometimes results may not be optimum. To get best resulst provide clear and distinct notes of Whisky and entity. You can copy paste the notes as description

The tool then gives referential analysis of Tasting parameters comparison where extermal notes (Distillers, Entity) are provided. If questions are answered it opens up a new probability analysis of your Taste expereince & physiological response through receptor activation by comparing it to the Note anlalysis of Distiller & Entity.

This is different from the Whiskybaba database, which indexes whiskies on clean datasets generated by ML models trained on them using Ayurveda algorithms.

This Whiskybaba project through its dynamic tools aims to gives insights into the unique genotype + phenotype (Ayurveda Dosha Prakruti) which lie at the foundations of how we process a experience whether emotional or physical. The Whiskybaba Subscription model taps into the power of this tool which over tme with guided workflow helps us understand our inherent propensities towards decision making, emotional responses and economic visions which empower us towards innovative sesnory experiences, outllooks and in a nonlinear way health awareeness through responsible socialising.

You can access the Dosha Prakuti Tool & Dhatu Sara Tool which give insights into your unique DNA imprint through the NLAM AI TOOLS link.

The project is inline with other projects such as BitterMatrix which explores same parameters through Coffee and SoundBreathwhich unlocks these potentials through medium of dynamic breath modulations , binaural sound , thermal emotional map sonifications and colorgenic propeeled cymatics and geometries.

Please note, is a novel lifestyle empowerement projects that aims to tapn in Taste Receptor activation and phsyiological effect through the unique Taste profiles of certain Single Malt Whisky. Its subscription model and long term analysis is a supervised, guided workflow under Dr Sumit Kesarkar does not promote use of alcohol in any way as health option. User discretion advised